Meet Helen

I was born in Victoria, Australia.  By the time I was thirty years old, I had lived on three different continents: Australia, North America and Europe.  

My message to women is you are worth it!  Our world is very different than it was for our grandmothers. We must look after ourselves and take the time to re-fuel and re-center without feeling guilty or being called self-indulgent. We need to build ourselves a survivor kit that includes self-belief.  Self-belief leads to self-confidence which eventually turns into self-respect. 

Fun Fact: By my own choice, I went to an all-girls high school.  It taught me about friendship and how to be a really good hugger.

By |2019-03-07T12:14:04-08:00March 7th, 2019|S.H.E. Shares|Comments Off on Meet Helen